Your newborn may remain in the care of your midwife for the first 4-6 weeks postpartum. The midwife will perform a comprehensive newborn exam within one hour of the birth and administer Vitamin K and eye prophylaxis with your consent, in the immediate postpartum. A Critical Congenital Heart Disease ( CCHD) screen, Newborn Metabolic Screen, and a Newborn Hearing Screen will be performed at your 24-36 hour postpartum visit. If at any time, there is an issue of concern that is outside the scope of her practice or expertise, she will refer you to a pediatrician. We recommend that all babies, regardless of health status, see a pediatrician within the first 6 weeks of birth for vaccination needs and a well-baby visit. It is advised that you identify a pediatrician by the 36th week of your pregnancy. Many of our clients choose and love Dr. Lisa Knofliceck and Dr. Mario Cruz of Philadelphia FIGHT Pediatric and Adolescent Center.