Collaborative Prenatal Care
Planned Home Birth
Post Partum Follow Up

The Birth Choice Voucher program provides a reduced rate for abbreviated midwifery care specifically designed for families planning a homebirth while maintaining their primary insurance-covered prenatal care. This innovative approach allows you to:

  • Receive comprehensive prenatal care from your insurance-accepted provider
  • Collaborate with Inner Circle Midwifery to plan your homebirth
  • Benefit from our experience with homebirth planning and preparation

By offering this service at a rate significantly lower than comprehensive midwifery care, we aim to make homebirth accessible to more. Our goal is to bridge the gap between obstetric prenatal care and the homebirth experience you desire. Apply now to learn how you can combine the best of both worlds for your birth journey.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Establish Midwifery Care by 28 Weeks of Pregnancy 
  • Have A Primary Obstetric Provider
  • Complete All Required Labs and Ultrasounds
  • Pass A Risk Assessment for Midwifery Care
  • Demonstrate Financial Need
  • Reside in the Greater Philadelphia Area

Interested? Complete This Form!